Rising head slug test reference point
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Measuring Groundwater Discharge: Rising Head Slug Test
We will estimate the specific discharge of the aquifer (water flux per unit area per unit time). We will use a modified version of Darcy's Law , which states:
- Measure the ``static'' depth to water from your benchmark, before any water is removed from the well (Fig. 5.6)
- Remove the beeper tape from the well
- Remove the desired volume of water from the well using the bailer (one liter for each group)
- Record water level recovery slug test data form
- make first measurement ( ) as soon as possible after removing water from the borehole
- initially make frequent measurements, e.g. every 15 seconds
- when measurements at consecutive time steps differ by less than a few % double the time interval between measurements
- continue reading levels until about 2/3 (at least 63%) of the initial drawdown has been recovered, i.e. until , see slug test data form
- record slug test data on suggested form (Fig. 5.7)
- make a semi-log plot of the results as in Fig. 5.8 using either of the following approaches
- plot using spreadsheet program like Excel, set y axis to logarithmic
- add a 5th column giving the logarithm of head ratio (column 4 of form); plot on regular graph paper, using column 1 (time) for X, column 5 (log of head ratio) for Y