Java Guides

This tutorial will guide you through creating a simple console-based banking application using Core Java. The application will allow users to create bank accounts, deposit and withdraw funds, transfer money between accounts, and display account details.


The application consists of three main classes:

Step 1: Define the BankAccount Class

Create a file named and define the BankAccount class. This class stores account information and includes methods for depositing, withdrawing, and transferring money, as well as displaying account details.

package net.javaguides.banking; public class BankAccount < private String accountNumber; private String accountHolder; private double balance; // Constructor public BankAccount(String accountNumber, String accountHolder) < this.accountNumber = accountNumber; this.accountHolder = accountHolder; this.balance = 0.0; // Initial balance is set to 0.0 >// Deposit money into the account public void deposit(double amount) < if (amount >0) < balance += amount; System.out.println("Amount deposited successfully. Current Balance: " + balance); >else < System.out.println("Invalid amount. Please enter a positive number."); >> // Withdraw money from the account public void withdraw(double amount) < if (amount else if (amount > balance) < System.out.println("Insufficient balance. Transaction failed."); >else < balance -= amount; System.out.println("Amount withdrawn successfully. Remaining Balance: " + balance); >> // Transfer money to another bank account public void transfer(BankAccount otherAccount, double amount) < if (amount else < System.out.println("Insufficient balance. Transfer failed."); >> // Display account details public void displayAccountDetails() < System.out.println("Account Number: " + accountNumber + ", Account Holder: " + accountHolder + ", Balance: " + balance); >// Getters and Setters public String getAccountNumber() < return accountNumber; >public void setAccountNumber(String accountNumber) < this.accountNumber = accountNumber; >public String getAccountHolder() < return accountHolder; >public void setAccountHolder(String accountHolder) < this.accountHolder = accountHolder; >public double getBalance() < return balance; >// No setter for balance to prevent direct modification outside deposit/withdraw methods > 

deposit(double amount): Adds a specified amount to the account's balance if the amount is positive.

withdraw(double amount): Deducts a specified amount from the account's balance if the amount is positive and available.

transfer(BankAccount otherAccount, double amount): Transfers a specified amount from the current account to another, given sufficient balance.

displayAccountDetails(): Prints the account number, holder's name, and current balance to the console.

Step 2: Implementing the BankManager Class

The BankManager class manages a list of BankAccount objects. It includes methods for creating new accounts, finding an account by number, and performing transactions like deposits, withdrawals, and transfers.

package net.javaguides.banking; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; public class BankManager < private Listaccounts = new ArrayList<>(); // Create a new bank account public void createAccount(String accountNumber, String accountHolder) < BankAccount newAccount = new BankAccount(accountNumber, accountHolder); accounts.add(newAccount); System.out.println("New account created for " + accountHolder + " with Account Number: " + accountNumber); >// Find an account by account number private BankAccount findAccount(String accountNumber) < for (BankAccount account : accounts) < if (account.getAccountNumber().equals(accountNumber)) < return account; >> return null; > // Deposit money into an account public void depositToAccount(String accountNumber, double amount) < BankAccount account = findAccount(accountNumber); if (account != null) < account.deposit(amount); >else < System.out.println("Account not found."); >> // Withdraw money from an account public void withdrawFromAccount(String accountNumber, double amount) < BankAccount account = findAccount(accountNumber); if (account != null) < account.withdraw(amount); >else < System.out.println("Account not found."); >> // Transfer money between two accounts public void transferBetweenAccounts(String fromAccountNumber, String toAccountNumber, double amount) < BankAccount fromAccount = findAccount(fromAccountNumber); BankAccount toAccount = findAccount(toAccountNumber); if (fromAccount != null && toAccount != null) < fromAccount.transfer(toAccount, amount); >else < System.out.println("One or both accounts not found."); >> // Display details for all accounts public void displayAllAccounts() < for (BankAccount account : accounts) < account.displayAccountDetails(); >> > 

createAccount(String accountNumber, String accountHolder): Creates and adds a new BankAccount to the accounts list with the given details.

findAccount(String accountNumber): Searches for and returns a BankAccount in the accounts list by the account number.

depositToAccount(String accountNumber, double amount): Finds an account by number and deposits a specified amount into it.

withdrawFromAccount(String accountNumber, double amount): Finds an account by number and withdraws a specified amount from it.

transferBetweenAccounts(String fromAccountNumber, String toAccountNumber, double amount): Transfers a specified amount from one account to another.

displayAllAccounts(): Iterates through and displays details of all accounts in the accounts list.

Step 4: Building the User Interface

In, the startBanking method uses a Scanner object to read user inputs and perform operations based on the user's choice. Implement UI helper methods (createAccountUI, depositUI, withdrawUI, transferUI) to handle different banking operations.

package net.javaguides.banking; import java.util.Scanner; public class Main < private static BankManager manager = new BankManager(); public static void main(String[] args) < startBanking(); // Start the banking operations >public static void startBanking() < Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; while (true) < System.out.println("\nWelcome to the Banking Application"); System.out.println("1. Create New Account"); System.out.println("2. Deposit Money"); System.out.println("3. Withdraw Money"); System.out.println("4. Transfer Money"); System.out.println("5. Display Account Details"); System.out.println("6. Exit"); System.out.print("Enter your choice: "); int choice = scanner.nextInt(); scanner.nextLine(); // Consume newline switch (choice) < case 1: createAccountUI(scanner); break; case 2: depositUI(scanner); break; case 3: withdrawUI(scanner); break; case 4: transferUI(scanner); break; case 5: manager.displayAllAccounts(); break; case 6: System.out.println("Thank you for using the Banking Application."); return; default: System.out.println("Invalid choice. Please choose again."); >> > private static void createAccountUI(Scanner scanner) < System.out.print("Enter Account Number: "); String accountNumber = scanner.nextLine(); System.out.print("Enter Account Holder Name: "); String accountHolder = scanner.nextLine(); manager.createAccount(accountNumber, accountHolder); >private static void depositUI(Scanner scanner) < System.out.print("Enter Account Number: "); String accountNumber = scanner.nextLine(); System.out.print("Enter Amount to Deposit: "); double amount = scanner.nextDouble(); scanner.nextLine(); // Consume newline manager.depositToAccount(accountNumber, amount); >private static void withdrawUI(Scanner scanner) < System.out.print("Enter Account Number: "); String accountNumber = scanner.nextLine(); System.out.print("Enter Amount to Withdraw: "); double amount = scanner.nextDouble(); scanner.nextLine(); // Consume newline manager.withdrawFromAccount(accountNumber, amount); >private static void transferUI(Scanner scanner) < System.out.print("Enter From Account Number: "); String fromAccount = scanner.nextLine(); System.out.print("Enter To Account Number: "); String toAccount = scanner.nextLine(); System.out.print("Enter Amount to Transfer: "); double amount = scanner.nextDouble(); scanner.nextLine(); // Consume newline manager.transferBetweenAccounts(fromAccount, toAccount, amount); >> 

startBanking(): Provides a console-based UI for users to interact with the banking application, allowing them to perform various banking operations.

createAccountUI(Scanner scanner): Prompts the user for account creation details and calls createAccount on the BankManager.

depositUI(Scanner scanner): Prompts the user for deposit details (account number and amount) and calls depositToAccount on the BankManager.

withdrawUI(Scanner scanner): Prompts the user for withdrawal details (account number and amount) and calls withdrawFromAccount on the BankManager.

transferUI(Scanner scanner): Prompts the user for transfer details (from and to account numbers and amount) and calls transferBetweenAccounts on the BankManager.

Step 5: Running the Application

Compile and run the Main class.

You will see a menu with options to create a new account, deposit money, withdraw money, transfer money, display account details, and exit. Enter the number corresponding to the action you wish to perform and follow the on-screen prompts.

Welcome to the Banking Application 1. Create New Account 2. Deposit Money 3. Withdraw Money 4. Transfer Money 5. Display Account Details 6. Exit Enter your choice: 1 Enter Account Number: 123 Enter Account Holder Name: Ramesh New account created for Ramesh with Account Number: 123 Welcome to the Banking Application 1. Create New Account 2. Deposit Money 3. Withdraw Money 4. Transfer Money 5. Display Account Details 6. Exit Enter your choice: 1 Enter Account Number: 456 Enter Account Holder Name: Vijay New account created for Vijay with Account Number: 456 Welcome to the Banking Application 1. Create New Account 2. Deposit Money 3. Withdraw Money 4. Transfer Money 5. Display Account Details 6. Exit Enter your choice: 2 Enter Account Number: 123 Enter Amount to Deposit: 10000 Amount deposited successfully. Current Balance: 10000.0 Welcome to the Banking Application 1. Create New Account 2. Deposit Money 3. Withdraw Money 4. Transfer Money 5. Display Account Details 6. Exit Enter your choice: 3 Enter Account Number: 123 Enter Amount to Withdraw: 5000 Amount withdrawn successfully. Remaining Balance: 5000.0 Welcome to the Banking Application 1. Create New Account 2. Deposit Money 3. Withdraw Money 4. Transfer Money 5. Display Account Details 6. Exit Enter your choice: 4 Enter From Account Number: 123 Enter To Account Number: 456 Enter Amount to Transfer: 2000 Amount withdrawn successfully. Remaining Balance: 3000.0 Amount deposited successfully. Current Balance: 2000.0 Transfer successful. New Balance: 3000.0 Welcome to the Banking Application 1. Create New Account 2. Deposit Money 3. Withdraw Money 4. Transfer Money 5. Display Account Details 6. Exit Enter your choice: 5 Account Number: 123, Account Holder: Ramesh, Balance: 3000.0 Account Number: 456, Account Holder: Vijay, Balance: 2000.0 Welcome to the Banking Application 1. Create New Account 2. Deposit Money 3. Withdraw Money 4. Transfer Money 5. Display Account Details 6. Exit Enter your choice: 6 Thank you for using the Banking Application. 


Congratulations! You've built a simple yet functional console-based banking application in Java. This application demonstrates basic principles of object-oriented programming, including class design, managing collections, and interacting with users via the console. Feel free to extend this application with additional features such as saving and loading account data from a file, implementing authentication for account access, or adding interest calculations for savings accounts.

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